If you encountered any problems with a Norton Internet Security or other Norton products, the first thing you should do is to look for a solution to official frequently asked questions and the Norton Community. As a rule, most of the questions have been answered long ago. However, there are some problems that only technical support can solve and here you’ll find all possible ways to contact Norton Customer Service.
If you decide to contact Norton Customer Service you can choose one of 3 options:
Call Customer Service using local phone number
To get local phone number of Norton Customer Service, go to this page and complete a special form, by specifying your name, phone, email, category and describing your problem. Once verified accuracy of the data entered, click the «Get Phone Number» button. This will open a new page, where you’ll find all available Norton Support phone numbers, your case number and expected wait time.
Call directly Customer Service helpline number
If don’t want or you can’t complete any forms, you can dial directly this number: +1-855-815-2726 (this phone number always can be found on this page). However, should be noted that unlike the first option, calling this helpline number you’ll wait a little longer until a Norton expert will answer your call.
Online Chat with a Norton agent
At this moment the fastest way to contact Norton Customer Service is to use the Live Chat, thanks to which a Norton agent will answer almost instantly. Furthermore, using online chat you can enjoy Remote Assistance. To contact Norton Customer Service via Live Chat, go to this page, enter your personal data (like name, phone number, email) and click the «Save & Continue» button.

Very Important!
Always check official sources for contact details. Never trust unofficial information, at least because it can be outdated (not to mention the fact that many fraudsters create special websites to lure and deceive users).
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