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Exclude or include attack signatures in monitoring

May 25, 2010

In some cases, benign network activity may appear similar to an attack signature. You may receive repeated notifications about possible attacks. If you know that the attacks that trigger these notifications are safe, you can create exclusion for the attack signature that matches the benign activity.

Each exclusion that you create leaves your computer vulnerable to attacks. If you have excluded the attack signatures that you want to monitor again, you can include them in the list of active signatures.

To exclude attack signatures from being monitored
  1. In the Norton Internet Security main window, in the Network pane, click Settings.
  2. Under Intrusion Prevention, in the Intrusion Signatures row, click Configure.

    You may need to scroll the window to see the option.
  3. In the Intrusion Signatures window, uncheck the attack signatures that you want to exclude.
  4. Click OK.
To include the attack signatures that were previously excluded
  1. In the Norton Internet Security main window, in the Network pane, click Settings.
  2. Under Intrusion Prevention, in the Intrusion Signatures row, click Configure.

    You may need to scroll the window to see the option.
  3. In the Intrusion Signatures window, check the attack signatures that you want to include.
  4. Click OK.

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