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Change the order of firewall rules

May 18, 2010

Each list of firewall rules is processed from the top down. You can adjust how the firewall rules are processed by changing their order.


Do not change the order of the default General rules unless you are an advanced user. Changing the order of default General rules can affect firewall functionality and reduce the security of your computer.

To change the order of General rules
  1. In the Norton Internet Security main window, in the Network pane, click Settings.
  2. Under Smart Firewall, in the Advanced Settings row, click Configure.

    You may need to scroll the window to see the option.
  3. In the Advanced Settings window, in the General Rules row, click Configure.
  4. In the General Rules window, select the rule that you want to move.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To process this rule before the rule above it, click Move Up.
    • To process this rule after the rule below it, click Move Down.
  6. When you are done moving the rules, click OK.
  7. In the Advanced Settings window, click OK.
To change the order of Program rules
  1. In the Norton Internet Security main window, in the Network pane, click Settings.
  2. Under Smart Firewall, in the Program Control row, click Configure.

    You may need to scroll the window to see the option.
  3. In the Program Control window, in the Program column, select the program that contains the rule that you want to move.
  4. Click Modify.
  5. In the Rules window, select the rule that you want to move.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • To process this rule before the rule above it, click Move Up.
    • To process this rule after the rule below it, click Move Down.
  7. When you are done moving the rules, click OK.
  8. In the Program Control window, click OK.

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